Monday, January 25, 2010


I am not sure Senate President Therese Murray gets it..........She was saying that she wants the Senate to be "trusted" and do not let the actions of Wilkerson,Marzilli, and Galluccio who are in trouble with the law........... influence our thought.

In my opinion the matter of trust is to the Democratic Machine in total and not individual members.The "balance of power" is out "whack"and has been for some time.......The "powers to be" have "unfettered" control and have done as they pleased for many years.......Last weeks' election has them scrambling, and they are trying to maintain business as usual........Take any major issue and the leadership has basically done whatever it wished.........They have the answers and "we just do not know"........

I hope the Massachusetts electorate stays awake.........and stops the "insanity"......

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