Sunday, January 3, 2010


I have noticed that the legalization of "pot" has heated up on the North Shore with Sheriff Cousins and Representative Fennell opposed to ending the war against use of marijuana while at the same time 500+ Economists led by a Harvard Professor have stated that regulation and taxing of marijuana will produce $10-$ 15 Billion in revenue along with helping countless persons deal with pain for various ailments.........Sounds like a " no brainier"........

Wait a minute..........not so fast.........I know we can not go " back in time"..........

but if we could.......Would we legalize alcohol knowing what we know today......Many will say "hell yes", however think of the carnage that alcoholism has caused to so many families in America........Almost every person has been touched by it.......and effected by it along with drinking it........It is a central theme inside social settings for the "rich" and "poor".......
and does not discriminate..........The sickness is spread throughout the entire economic stratosphere......The real truth hurts on this subject matter.

So........are we prepared to legalize another cause for another sickness......My answer is a resounding ......NO

Do you think more or less people will use " pot" if it is available at stores ? Other than the high and "good times" what are the benefits.........We will now have an increase in the drug sickness along with all the results we see in alcoholism........

I am sorry for the "soapbox",but thinking of the big picture........FUNCTIONING "alcoholics"and now more
FUNCTIONING "Druggies" in the work force and our everyday life is not good.

I hear people say "I can handle IT",HOWEVER THAT PERSON IS NOT THE JUDGE, the real judge is the families and children that have to "pick up the pieces"..... voluntary distorting of your outlook and the God given skills of your mind and body is never "the right thing" no matter how many people do it.

The argument that the Government will get more revenue is not compelling in relation to the harm it will cause to the "public good"

I do not intend to change drinking habits,however I do not believe the expansion of drug use will not be in the best interest of the average person......especially the children and grandchildren who have their futures ahead of them.....and are looking at our decisions and direction.......

Think about it.........


  1. Insight thoughts Harv.

    The only problem with banning alcohol is that it is a central part of our tradition. Even Christ took the time to manufacture a few vats when they ran short at a wedding that he and his mother were attending.

    You can't ban food because it makes people fat.
    Just some more thoughts...
    - Crusher

  2. I am not going to take you or Jesus on over alcohol......I know I cannot interfere with the party.I still do not believe that the legalization of "pot"is a good thing.The end result will be "more people having access to it and an increase in the disease of addiction.....or whatever they call it.......these days
