Monday, August 13, 2012


It is hard to believe that I had the opportunity to be part of this team that helped Kim Garbarino
to this "shining moment".......People have been trying to accomplish this feat since 1903 and only a 1000 or so ever have actually done it.

It is a daunting attempt.......Kim started at 5:57 am on Sunday Morning and completed it at 11:17
that night.The time was 15 hour and 37 minutes.We left the Bread & Breakfast at 4:45 am on Sunday
and did not return there until 2:30 am on Monday.We had to pack our clothes,sleep one hour and rush off to the Heathrow Airport.We arrived at Logan and  we were picked up by Limo to drive us home
As we came into Winthrop we were  greeted by the sign in this picture.

The swim was very difficult due to cold air and water  rough seas and currents.An example of the
the problems is the following, if Kim was thrown a bottle to drink.......and he stopped his swimming stroke the currents would drop him back 500 feet every thirty seconds. The Channel swim is approximately 22 miles long.The official report is not complete yet but it is probable b that Kim
had to swim 34 miles to finish the 22.

Kim & Amy wish to thank everyone for their interest and support, Amy's Sister, Beth Simone
was the one that noticed the sign in Winthrop and had the Driver,Sully spin around and surprise Kim the next time around.It is all good.

There was a lot of sea sickness yesterday in the 20 hours, but no one complained but just went about their business.I am "so proud"and I cannot say enough about Craig Lewin.He trained with Kim,and
it was his job to swim along with him for an hour every other hour.His problem was not so much the hours in the water,but the coming out which would make him cold and seasick in the boat.He was in
and out of the boat seven times.It was very difficult to stay on course,but it was accomplished.Craig
was a master at it.

The Team Stayed Calm and Carried On.....We prayed for this ending and our Prayers were Answered.
How to Go.


  1. Congratulations Kim...that is so happy for trained hard and it paid off...what a great accomplishment...great job!!
    Tricia Silva

  2. Amy Simione-GarbarinoAugust 14, 2012 at 5:04 AM

    Thank you Harvey for keeping everyone at home updated on Kim's swim. He couldn't have done it without you, Craig and Beth. You each added something different to his "support team", and that just helped him push through! I can't thank you enough for being part of this amazing trip!!!!
