Saturday, July 31, 2010


I appreciate anyone who supports the troops.......and if I was a friend of the President I would ask him if I could do something to help them... I do not know if TV opportunities and walking around
in "baseball cap, flack jacket " is real support or not.......I know from my military time that those "type things " seemed funny.....and for the most part were a distraction to the daily routine and duties....
Of course I am talking "many moons ago".............

In the working world I am a believer in focus,consistency,order and timing. Deval Patrick made the choice to go on this trip to the war zone at the end of the legislative session when tradition in this State is that "deals are made and Laws are enacted "...........He was absent when a Governor is at the pinnacle of his power to negotiate laws and the future direction of the Commonwealth. In my mind absence is incompetence......Oh ....He did show up a couple of days ago and started to "rattle the cages " with veiled threats after the Legislature
had been working on various versions of the "casino bill "while he was MIA.....TOO LITTLE...TOO LATE.........No matter what he says now........

This morning after the House and Senate have passed a bill....He is saying it is unacceptable.....It is my opinion that if he had stayed home and did his "job" He could have made the State a better place for the returning troops and their families.........We need a person in the "Corner Office" who is willing to make the duties of Governor a full time operation with professional leadership in the forefront.......We deserve better.........

We all have wish lists........but sometimes circumstances call us to stand fast and do what is necessary........I assume his trip was for "good intentions "and not political to preserve his position.......however only he knows.........

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Kim Garbarino (Thought's 9/9/2009 ) took a day off from work as a Probation Officer at Lynn District Court on Tuesday, July 27, what did he do ?......How about doing something that only three people have done since 1897.............

Last year the 52 year old entered the famous Boston Light Swim((1907) from Boston Light to Carson Beach, South Boston which is eight miles.He finished it in 4 : 25: 18 in 12th place.This race is called the "Old Grand Daddy " of Open Swim Racing..........He has continued his training in "epic style " as related previously........and now he has gone on to another level...........

Two days ago he put on his speedo, Speedo hat,and goggles and stepped off the Boston Light rocks under the watchful "eye"of a Coast Guard serviceman and started a swim to Carson Beach.He got to the Beach after 8 miles and turned around and swam back to Boston Light.He started at 8:10 am and finished at 4:19pm.........16 miles in 8 hrs, 9 min...........

It was recorded by video and the feat is being reviewed by Greg O'Connell the Director and Historian of the Boston Light Swimming records.........This 16 mile swim is referred to as a "Double Cross Swim ". It appears that only three people have done this prior to Kim since 1897.....and they went from Carson Beach and back....while He is the only one known to go from the Light and back.....The last recorded " Double Cross was 40 years ago in 1969........

The great thing about Thought's is that I am given the opportunity to write about stories
that are "uplifting" and show us "mere humans" what we are capable of with desire, determination,and a will which sometimes seems to come from "PLACES UNKNOWN TO US".

Thanks Kim......for reminding us that we all can reach almost " unattainable goals " if we want it.............

Monday, July 26, 2010


I attended a fund raiser earlier this evening for Charlie Baker at the Volunteer Yacht Club in Lynn and I must admit that I am now "rooting" for him. I hope he is the person he says he" is".........I like his delivery and the issues that are his priorities..........but before that discussion......I was not sure who I WOULD SEE AT THIS EVENT.......but it turned out that I I knew almost every person in the room......and trust me the "tide may truly be shifting "............The anti -incumbency feeling was alive even from some of the long time supporters of these very incumbents.......Oh boy.......
Now back to Charlie.........
One of his key strategies relative to the budget is to make decisions and then cut cost and contain other costs.The first major decision will be to leave untouched "Aid to the cities and towns "He said that is the "playing field"and he will go forward from there.......That is great news for Lynn and all the other 364 cities and towns that cannot survive without State Aid.....I am sure he formulated that idea from his years as a Swampscott Selectman.

I assume the cuts will come from the State, and I am comfortable that his experience as an executive at Harvard Pilgrim Health will allow him to administer the cuts in an orderly,compassionate, and common sense manner....It will not be easy or without criticism.......however the other candidates both Constitutional Officers have had their chance
and led us to nowhere..........Are they afraid to look at their friends and supporters of the past and tell them that the "gravy train "has to make its last stop........

He was very critical of the Patrick Administration for applying and accepting the "Common Core" Federal monies which will in effect "dumb down " the MCAS Testing which is highly regarded and calls for accountability of the teachers and students.....It is not perfect I know......but I am against changing the entire program.....I am worried when the teacher unions are silent.....If my memory is correct...They were against MCAS when originally proposed............

Oh you know where I least Patrick and Cahill will save some money on stamps.....after they read " Thought's.......

Friday, July 23, 2010


It has been a busy summer because of the spring storms,fires and other misfortunes that have befallen clients that have been fortunate to hire me as their public adjuster and sometimes their attorney......That aside I finally had a "real summer morning "
with Maeve, Tegan, and Lisa.......

We all went to the Swampscott Beach Club while RockStar Fitness "Momma" was training

It seemed like yesterday that Lisa and I were at pools with Maeve and Tegan and they were
in the small "kids pool "barely getting their toes wet and being "proud"of the accomplishments....Those little "tikes" are now 9 and 6 years old.........The picture
is of Maeve,Cousin Maren(age 2), and Tegan..... they are like mermaids and swim and dive "like it's second nature "........
Maeve was coaching me how to do "flip turns "for my triathlon endeavors......and after 40-50
flips I had enough.......Her encouragement of "Papa your doing good "brought back my words of days gone another generation of kids that were listening to me and are now the Parents...............

We had a lot of fun.......and after that it was back to the adult world.

My thought today is "don't let this pass without paying attention ". Maeve and Tegan were precious yesterday, and we all know and recognize that "time moves on"............

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Shirley Sherrod deserves to be let off the hook.....It appears that the tape that brought her to "Thoughts " yesterday was "doctored" and presented unfairly.She was speaking of an incident 24 years which she overcame racist tendencies to do the right thing.The tape cut the purpose and conclusion of her words, thus leaving out the context of righteousness......

We are all human.....and have demons hiding within......People who fight the" good fight" and win the inner battles are all heroes.........Overcoming evil one at a time and day to day is "THE WAY"

Thanks Shirley for the above reminder...........

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The saying above is a mainstay around the Ma. Statehouse and is used frequently by Talk Host Howie Carr..........

Is it me...... or are many people talking without thinking and ending up with conclusions that seem outrageous.......

Shirley Sherrod, ex US Agricultural Official(right) was video taped "talking " about how she did not like helping the "white farmers.She did this four months ago and it just recently hit the mainstream press.....If a Conservative made a "racist" remark like would have been the news for the last four months...

The NAACP is calling the entire Tea Party movement racist.......How many Americans are included ?.......Millions I guess.....

We also spoke of Mel Gibson.....He says he is going to burn a house down.........among other things.....

How about EX GOV. BLAGO who is going to be testifying in his criminal trial ......What does he know about Chicago and the White House relative to the Senatorial Appointment.......?

Maybe it is the hot weather and dehydration........

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It was only a few years ago that My Daughter, Shannon and and Her Daughter, Lily went to Juarez,Mexico to build a home for a young family that was caught up in the immigration
promise that they would be able to get into the United States.....and be allowed to raise their family without dire poverty,and also make enough dinero's to help the family left at home.......

These families were approached by fellow Mexican "Coyote's" who sold them on the "idea" that if the families "pooled " their dinero's and paid it to them.....they in effect promised that they would get them into the the greatest nation in the world.......and lives would be changed forever......that was true in part.......

Lives were changed....but not for the good......These young families were led to barren land in Juarez and left to themselves,since they could not get across the border contrary to reports that it was easy.....We found them living in "cardboard "appliance boxes with no electricity,plumbing,water or jobs........The children were in their early years and were left without "any hope" for the future......

The Drug "Cartels " in an attempt to maintain its economic strength and control of the area have been killing members of the establishment which include Politicans,Police and Military....
The City has become a war zone...........Hundred's of killings this year

The latest action of the Cartel is to use car bombs ..........It is an escalation that has made Juarez one of the most dangerous places in the world.......

I assume that the families we met have moved on...but how will humanitarian care be allowed to help.........and how many will volunteer to enter this murder zone.......

I understand the issues over immigration.......however Once you have seen the families and looked them in the "eye "you feel with the "heart " and not your pocketbook........

Friday, July 16, 2010


Thought's has been "baffled" by technical difficulties......The main server at the Lynn Office of Panakio Adjusters and the Law Office of Harvey Rowe crashed and after "a fix".......My Apple laptop HD CRASHED,and after the fix on that item,a

It now appears that the problems are "almost " taken care of........and I wish to thank the following people for their help,assistance and support.......Mark Rowe for coming up with a new system, Arthur Dogramacian IT Specialist for his expertise, and the APPLE Genius crew at the PEABODY Store......and My Wife, Lisa for her support........It is hard to accept how dependent I have become on computers.......since the majority of my life they have not existed for the general public.......A story for another time.

So what's been going on.....Mel Gibson should calm down and get a heart; his girl friend should not tape private conversations;

BP should not be helping the" Lockbie Murderer "get a "get out of jail pass" while dumping oil on the "little people's "beaches.....
Congrats to David Ortiz for winning the Home Run Contest......but don't tell us how hard it is to do what you do.......Just go out and buy "some more blood diamonds "for the ear lobes....

Ok......I am "starting" to warm up......Have a nice day......and I am back....thanks for the patronage.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I have taken my own advice for the weekend and I have enjoyed it with family and friends.

I am going to give you my local "America the beautiful " awards for this festive holiday..........

1st Choice

I was at "Sweet Lou " Panakio's Condo on Lynnshore Drive,Lynn for the fireworks with Lisa and her BFF, Maria Rowen. Maria cooked and it was enjoyed by "all".Lou and Lisa had their normal poignant observations of the crowd. My view was one of pride and wonder.The City with its diversity and problems showed how people can come together and have civility,comradity and fun with each other.It seemed that more than half of Lynn joined together in a very small area and it turned out to be a " great time ".......IF WE COULD ONLY "BOTTLE IT "...........How to go Lynn....

2nd Choice

I received some criticism that "Thoughts" one way or another cut Marblehead by "cherry picking " incidents in three prior blogs........Well here is your surprise.The "black and red " shot to second place after this morning........I ran around "The Neck " and it could not have been more beautiful or relaxing and everyone I saw was more than pleasant.......
Then after running I participated in a Yoga class on Deveraux Beach that was full of friendly people,a great instructor , the Lewin's , Brenda & Richard and Chef Maria (upper right) from the prior evening.My opinion of myself concerning my yoga ability is that I am a relative of the "Tin Man" from the Wizard of Oz.

I am having a"ball".......... Hope the same for you.......

Friday, July 2, 2010


This is the summer we have been waiting for...............

I intend to surround myself with the people that I love and enjoy; while at the same time
avoiding the people who might aggravate me or my friends;

I have compiled a list from the news.........and the reasons;

Mel Gibson...his vile and limited vocabulary
Russian Spies.....We all have our way of doing things and the Russian 's "have no need to know "
Nancy Pelosi......It appears that her new economic stimulus plan is to have all of us receive
unemployment benefits......
Marblehead.....The woman who allegedly hit her stepson over the head with a wine glass
Swampscott....The 22 year old along with his 15 year friend who allegedly shot a woman in the neck with BB gun.......
You cannot make this "stuff"up.............and the "fireworks"haven't even started yet.

If you have time ....and do not know what you want to do........My Brother's Table may need your help between 2-4 in the afternoon Saturday or Sunday......Let me know.