Friday, August 13, 2010


2500 Volunteers, 90,000 meals during the last year,365 days a year and no public tax money for support.......
28 years ago, the Founders wrote;
  "We volunteers have more to learn than share.My Brother's Table will be a center for barriers to break down,for the poor to educate the rich,the elderly to teach the young, the powerless  to humble the powerful......And, since we are caring for God's people, We will always get what we need."

Last night the summer garden party was a great success to all who came and participated in any way......The food, music and social camaraderie was fantastic. The spirit of "giving"loomed over the crowd and believe me you could "feel it"........

It was a special night in that so many of my family and friends over the past year have participated in the volunteering at the "Table"in every aspect from the Kitchen, Committees, Walks, and Fund Raising.......Many of them were present last night and it was my honor to be with each and everyone of them......Thanks guys.......It is impossible to mention everybody since I surely would forget someone and have to make "amends".....You know who you are...... and remember that I think of your giving spirit every time I see ,talk or have a thought of you ......whether present or not last night.......

I will be posting some pictures in a short time.......Have a good day....

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