If you have had the chance to watch TV news today.........It appears everyone in Washington is trying to "morph" into a Scott Brown..........The President stopped talking about his legacy health bill and said if big bankers want a "fight" he will give it to them......He has slipped back into his "populist"stance and wants us to know he is on our side just like Scotty.......
Nancy Pelosi(right) admitted that she has not got the votes for the Health Bill along with Harry Reid who has done the math and they have to go back to the "drawing board"......How ironical that the former Kennedy seat has derailed the Democratic Obama "Machine"..........
Now watch our Mass.Congressional Delegation" slinking" around and starting to sound just like Senator- elect Brown...........Do not be fooled......They are all "pro's".......protecting their self interest......Remember "Before Brown " BB...........They were "the sheep" prancing down the primrose path.......assuming we would follow........They will be laying blame ever where except in their own lap.......
"AB"...AFter Brown... The politico-simpatico performances on the hill today will only fool the fools.