Tiger in his "world" must be taking the heat........I told you he would not have any other
statement unless his sponsors required it...........I did not know about the "girlfriends" who have all" lawyered up" along with his Wife who had demands " out in the open " before the names of the "Mistresses" were divulged............that is heat........
I "eavesdropped" this morning and I heard a female say....."What's the big deal.......he is just doing what guys do..........When they get "money and power "...........they use women.....and so called "equal rights" go out the window....... "
Probably true........until those" damn lawyers " show up..........Remember the Seinfield & Elaine line where they talked about getting back together and Jerry said, "Why can't we do a little of this and a little of that........What's the big deal ?........ ASK TIGER............
2009 has been a good year for high profile, salacious-sex-scandals…that ‘coach’ from Louisville in the restaurant…and the guy with the mistress in Brazil…now the pro golfer with 300 text messages. There may be more, but I just can’t remember…or just don’t care. It would be nice to end this year with feel good story…if you hear one please pass it along…Cheers!