On the O'Reilly Factor tonight (FOX)one of the guests was the head of the largest atheist group in the United States( FFRF).In response to a question from the Moderator ,Laura Ingram, she stated that their were 14,000 members and even though that was not a "great amount "......it was actually" quality over quanity".........
They have posted various billboards around the Country, and I assume their purpose is to make us aware that their is "no god " although I'm not sure........They can spend their money and bring forth their opinions.....As I have said before..... the 1st Amendment works but it is not "very pretty ".........however......
The thought while listening to her was not so much about what she was saying......but rather what her state of mind is........
If you have no hope of an afterlife.......no hope of salvation.......no reason for a purpose in your life......What do you have ?.........and why would you try to destroy the" Hope of Humanity"......Could it be because the position in the group is "money driven" and bringing this up during a"Holy Season" for the Christian & Jewish Faiths will give its purpose publicity.....Nah !!!! their doing it because it is "right".......wait....... who tells them what is right ?
or why do they care if they are right ? Somehow I "keep smelling money"........
Well each to their own.........I will say a prayer for them anyways.......Remember the old WWII saying........."Their are no atheists in foxholes"....................
Someone we loved and lost not to long ago also had a saying..."turd in the punch bowl"...and for FFR foundation that is being kind. Sure they are entitled to their beliefs but unlike them, I will quietly and politely hold on to mine...Adeste Fideles...