Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This issue is going "wild"".........I do not believe that the average citizen of Massachusetts appreciates the "day to day "living in the border States............Undocumented persons (illegal aliens ) are storming into States like Arizona.........and stretching the budgets beyond acceptable it......Schools are at capacity, hospitals are full.....everything that can go wrong is.....and their is not enough tax money to pay for all the services being demanded.....chaos is the order of the day.........Some answers have to be found.

It appears that the State of Arizona is acting out of survival......not bias or bigotry.......

I have continually stressed Social Justice for those in need, however if order is destroyed and anarchy rules, then no one will be safe and their will not be any justice.......The Federal Government in Washington must put politics "on hold"and figure out a comprehensive plan which will deal with the realities of this predicament......

I do not have the answers, however, I have a couple of thoughts to consider;

We need to secure the border.....You need to "stop the bleeding " before saving the" " patient"
and the millions of illegal aliens who have lived in the US for many years, and have been productive and been the "good fabric of society "are not going anywhere.

That's a starting point.....but the lack of action is and will continue to bring "desperation " and at some point will reach up into our "little corner of our relatively pristine universe"

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