Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am sure that most of you know that the secret to a happy life is the positive attitiude
in spite of the " little roadblocks " that life may throw our way now and then.........

Many times I do things to help people maintain this" positivity" and sometimes I have been given a " thanks" ......but in most cases life just goes on......

My friend,Jay Nestor(with his beautiful wife,Joanne),however pushed a new " wrinkle " in my face this morning......take a look at HIS BLOG THIS MORNING.......NANEPASHEMET (LINK IS ON THIS SITE)

I used the word "Crusher" name the PFANTASY PFOTBALL TEAM that is directed by "Sweet" Lou Panakio and myself, and he is all in a "dither"

I told him it was a form of flattery to him and I am not taking it back no matter what he says....

I will continue to throw the flattery at him.....since he is a much better person when he is positive and not that "Mountain Man" persona....

1 comment:

  1. Wait 'till he sees the PCrusher' PCheerleaders! Go Team Go!
