Saturday, January 22, 2011

I AM PROUD .......OF THESE KIDS.........

Sophomore Lily Gardner
It is easy to love and be happy and proud of children.....but this weekend it is special.....
Granddaughter Lily Gardner and 73 of her close friends at Saint Mary's HS,Lynn are climbing on a bus tomorrow morning at 5:30 am for Washington take part in history....

We hear about the "Jersey Shore" and the new "Skins" teens.. of MTV fame.and how they are the norm.....I do not believe it ........There are many more good rather than bad or undisciplined
young people.....

Lily and her friends are the example.....You do not hear about them,but they are going to take part in the "March for Life" gathering in memory of all the devastation left in the wake of Roe v.Wade......and the hope for the future.

The polls show that the Nation is slowly turning away from this Death Culture.......and more than 50% consider themselves pro life where a decade ago it was 42 %......

Prayer and Action such as the March are working.....slowly but surely....

How to go Lily and Gang.....

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