Action speaks louder than words in the manifestations from thoughts.Seek the truth.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I must give you the latest political polling results........The blog about Congressman Tierney was met with apathy and indifference on "Thought's ". It appears there is no interest.........I don't know if that is good or bad for him.......Time will tell........I don't see or hear any anger........or love........
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't get me wrong.......... John Tierney is a "good guy " and if you call him or his Office he will do what he can.........however the problem with him and the rest of our Congressional Group is that they follow the lead of "California Surfer Girl "Pelosi and the President........I get it "get along to keep getting along".........It is the easy way out since everyone else is doing it......and it leads to "bigger and better things "............
So what's my problem ?............I am offended by the entire process about the Health Bill which involved "horse trading"and secrecy concerning the actual content of the bill,along with the arrogant opinion that Washington "knows what's best for us"..........Congressman Tierney went along with the "crowd".......and now is complaining that people are or were being "rude " He, Kerry, and Markey are running around telling us why the Plan is good for us.
Why didn't they do that before instead of hiding in their "Washington Bunkers "until the deal was done......The process "stinks"..........
Friday, March 26, 2010

Another special night last evening...........I was going to name everyone, however I decide to put your beautiful "mugs" up for the world to see. (lost in the pix is Mary Bleiler) approximately 250 guests were served a meal consisting of chili,rice and all the "fixins"........The next Heroes attack wil be the first weekend of May when we leave Lynn at 3:30am to set up for the "Walk for Hunger" in Boston .We will be back about 10:00am and 25,000 walkers will have the support of all the "stations" that we have put together for them.
This means approximately $ 20,000 for the Table.........IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE HEROES....JUST LET ME KNOW.........
Remember the Table serves 90,000 meals a year with no tax monies..........
Thursday, March 25, 2010
VP Joe Biden.....can really be a bore......When talking about his support for abortion he always drags out the fact that he is Catholic ,and he always strives to say the "right thing at the right time "
He tries so hard that he somehow or other always makes mistakes.His "swearing " comment to the President followed by his "little side way grin " the other day shows the real man and not the "public persona " that he attempts to project.The same goes for the President.It is told.. that in private meetings...... he was laughing and making fun of the comment......Great......You would not say those things to the "Leader of the Land " unless you thought it would be appreciated by him.
It shows again the failure of leadership......."Do as I say.....not as I do".......
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The President who evidently will get his health bill wishes tonight.........has shown that he
gets "free rides " from the press.......You old timers remember VP Dan Quayle being dubbed
"stupid" for misspelling a word..... to the point that he went from a "rising star" to a "has been" over the spelling gaffe...........You say......Oh it's a different world now........okay I agree .......Our President , Harvard Law Review Editor has spelled Syracuse......Sycacuse and he did not notice it until a ESPN Reporter told him........and no one mentions it.What is worse his spelling or the silence........
Makes me wonder............
Friday, March 19, 2010

I know something is going on........but the reason escapes me.......I believe that most people in spite of words and sometimes action....all do the same thing.........They do what they think is in their best interest at the time they make their decision........
If you believe the polls ........why is this vote close. ?.....and why has it not been sent to committee to be presented at another time and in a different form......why the rush ? Politicians are "animals of self preservation ".......and everyone seems to agree that the Democrats are going down if this "bill"passes.
The President and the Democratic Congress seem to be going against the will of the people and seem to be saying "we know better"............They realize this is a perilous course........and is not in their best interests whats going on......
Are they putting the Nation above their personal interests..........I don't think so.....
Are their deals being made by the "powers to be"........that cannot be refused......or is it something else........
We will find out in due course.......Something doesn't match up...........
Thursday, March 18, 2010

FOX "SPECIAL REPORT" Emcee Bret Breit interviewed the President last night and if you listen to the reports you probably would come across with the impression that Breit was disrespectful to the interrupting him and not letting him to finish his thoughts..........
That is not the way I saw it......It was a adversary discussion between the parties.....however it appeared that Obama was trying to filibuster the interview with long answers that sometimes did not match up to the questions...and at other times just "didn't connect the dots ".
I understood his strategy,however the interviewer had to gain some semblance of order and was forced to change the direction and tone of the program....
They are both "big boys "and the circumstances cause these type of things to to happen.......I see it as "sparring"not disrespect........
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Health Care "Bill" and all the "shenanigans" surrounding it are causing distractions concerning other matters;
How about Dick Cheney's Daughter's request to find out specifics about nine lawyers who defended Prisoners of War being held in Gitmo.........and now are employed by AG Eric Holder and the Dept of some capacity..........
I believe that all person's have a right to an Attorney.......and the ones that represent clients who are disliked or abhorred are a "special breed "that are to be admired........however they are also human and normally take on a compassion for the "plight"of the person they are advocating........
Thus.....I would assume that these attorney's are not working on Gitmo issues......and the public has this "right to know "It is a legitimate issue.I have heard that the Obama Administration is "stonewalling" on at least 7 of the 9........and that is a massive "red flag "
Where is all the transparency that President Obama promised............?
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ex-Congressman "to be" Patrick Kennedy went off on a rage yesterday.........He attacked the media for not following the war in Afghanistan...........I told you before he needs adult supervision.........
Is he just discovering that their is no credible anti war movement since the Commander and Chief is a Democrat ?
Cindy Sheehan found that out a long time ago......Remember her............
The press is not interested without Bush and Cheney to "bash "around.......
Oh well....Patrick will mature in his private life and become the person he really wants to be.....
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I believe in evil spirits and to observe and visualize some of the horrendous acts created by human beings during history it has been my opinion that the acts must be created by a greater force of "badness".............
Gabriele Amorth,85,(right) is the Chief Exorcist in the Vatican, and over the past 25 years has handled 70,000 cases of demonic possessions.He stated that their has been satanic infiltration of the Vatican where some Cardinals do not believe in Jesus and Bishops have been linked to the demon.........
He stated that the Devil is a "pure spirit" that manifests itself in the person it possesses.He has had cases where it takes 6-7 assistants to hold down the possessed who sometimes spit out glass, nails, finger length iron and "rose petals"............
Father Jose Antonio Fortea Cucuruli, a Rome Exorcist stated that Amorth has " gone well beyond the evidence " in the proof of these spiritual happenings......
This activity explains to me how these types of things can happen........Amorth believes that Stalin and Hitler were possessed.......and he approved of the movie " The Exorcist"
Scary Happenings...............I will say my prayers tonight.............
Friday, March 5, 2010
I have a few questions today..........What is going on ?
In many cities Schools have been "tagged" with "Under performing Status " and the Principals of these schools are being transferred and in effect fired from their position............I assume that many of them have contractual rights which will allow their seniority to "kick"in and they will still be employed ............however.........this decision will follow them for the remainder of their career.........
Who is responsible for this lack of performance.......Is it the principal , teachers ,parents, or the individual students ?...........or a combination of those factors..........including the test itself...........
In the large Cities I assume language is a factor, and having a student take an exam in English when they are not literate or prepared does not seem fair to anyone since the results effect many people........
It is my understanding if a student shows up for a first day of school and it happens to be testing day......They must take the test......Wonder how that's going to work out ?
I am a believer in accountability but the rules have to be fair for all the participants in the education of the Children........
Easy for me to say........but hard to implement.............
Give me some ideas........
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The Help by Kathleen a book that will be in my mind for a long time.........Social Justice was not at the top of the "agenda list "back in 1962 in and around the "Deep South ".............
Here is what black maid Aibileen had to say in part about her white bosses;
"Womens,they ain't like men.A women ain't gone beat you with a stick.........No,white women like to keep they hands clean.........
They got a shiny little set a tools they use,sharp as witches fingernails,tidy and laid out neat,like the picks on a dentist tray.......
you realize something you known all your life:the white lady don't ever forget........And she ain't gone stop till you dead."
It is a "great read ", the characters are unforgettable and all I have to say is;
If you are certain that you are better than other people because of your family position or race
change yourself or keep it to yourself .........unless you want to be a" Miss Hilly"
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I heard of the $5.00 fee to talk or call a Registry employee.....and I thought the way it was implemented was unique.......They did not tell you of the increase but rather that you could save $5.00 by doing your business online.........ok .....not an untruth but certainly "sneaky".......did they really believe that nobody would notice.......
It seems that the only person's that would pay the five dollars would be people without a computer...........the poor and the elderly...........
Now the "heat"gets turned up on the radio waves and newspapers and what does Governor Patrick do..............He rescinds it.........I have not read his reasons,but is he blaming somebody in his administration, taking the blame himself, or just admitting it was a bad idea......Whatever... it shows a lack of administrative control and conviction concerning his plan to get out of this mess......
Deval Patrick's lack of experience in this late period of his term is extraordinary.The economy has not helped him, but as stated by Charlie Baker the focus should be on "reform not revenue"
The next Governor has to be a leader with conviction and the ability to lead........
Monday, March 1, 2010

President Obama had a physical exam the other day and the Doctor's recommendations have been "leaking"out little by little........
The first thing was that he should "refrain" from smoking.........and his spokesman stated he "fights" it on a daily basis...........
Secondly,He should change his diet since his cholesterol is a "little"on the high side
and last but not least he should "moderate his "alcohol" intake............
This appears to make him "a party of one" ......smoking , eating , and drinking ........It must be his "guilty subconscious" that is pushing this health bill at all costs.................All the while First Lady Michelle is pushing her "food " agenda in the battle against obesity..............
Mr. President........come on....... your our leader....... lead by example ......act.. don't just speak the good words.........Young children including your own watch us adults more than we know.....
Remember the "BEER SUMMIT".........
In reality all adults sometime forget that the "children "are watching our every move and word closer than you think...........
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