Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Mark Savard and Jay Cutler of the "Big Bad Bruins and Bears "have both sustained hits that in effect left unseen injuries that have the general public......questioning their toughness and will to compete.In the same scenario Jacob Ellsbury of the Red Sox had the same issue last summer........

My opinion is that the three Athletes mentioned have spent their entire youth competing and becoming proficient to the point that they are the "elite "in the sport of their choice.They had to show toughness and the will to win to get to that point.......

They have learned to play at a level of high intensity and focus and I trust they know when the body is unable to function properly due to injury. Give them a break..........

Some people want to see "BLOOD AND GUTS " since they bought a ticket or are betting hard earned money.......The athletes are young men and women who have an entire life to live......and one of pain and suffering is not a pleasant one.....Remember Linebacker Johnson of the Patriots ?....and what happened to him......

I trust the Player's unions are protecting these individuals.......

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