Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I appreciate the time and effort that goes into a Christmas Card being sent to me.I might not say much,but
I look at it as an act of "love"......even if the sender does not think that way or acknowledge it......
and with due respect to all who have sent cards and those still procrastinating I must admit that I have already received my favorite of the year.......and I wish to share it with you.......

The card itself has a "likeness of Santa Claus"  singing while playing a ukulele......except that it was sent by my favorite inmate who I respect with "all my heart "......and I firmly believe and pray that he will turn this episode in his life into a "good experience"in the big picture......

His message to Lisa and myself was..."..Merry Christmas ! I know I am not good at making cards but I am really enjoying myself in prison"........

I know he spoke in jest....but I want you to know that he is a positive force in spite of his "situation"as they say these days.......

He has trained dogs to assist the disabled and he speaks to groups to tell them of his life experiences and the pitfalls that can be avoided....

Remember him in your moments of solitude this Christmas Season.