Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So we have the Muslims building their place of worship in a former Burlington Coat Factory in the area of "Ground Zero " and a Minister in Florida along with his congregation of 50 planning to use their place of worship to burn "books" that are the the equivalent of the Bible and the Word of the Muslims........

Both of these actions are legal in the sense that they are protected by the First Amendment which says in part;
   "Congress shall make no law.......abridging the freedom of speech......

A few words that speak volumes of case law and legislative acts by both the Federal and State Courts that in summary say you can build churches, temples and burn books......with a few exceptions........

That being said.......Is it right.......I say no.......The Muslims should have their places of Worship.....however , they could pick a location that doesn't effect the sensitivities of Americans whose lives and destinies were changed at the "World Trade Center Slaughter ".............

Concerning the "Book Burners"......same to them.....I assume they call themselves Christians......but they certainly are not acting that way.....It is wrong........

Laws can legislate behavior..........however love and respect of each other comes from our heart and spirit..........

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