Monday, November 9, 2009


A 5' 2'' former waitress was standing around waiting for her car to be serviced.......when she heard a commotion........She investigated and saw a man with a gun chasing another man while shooting at him......She fired at the gunman and missed the first shot...........He stopped...turned and a gunfight ensued........Both were wounded.......but the former waitress won in the sense that she stopped the senseless killings at 13 with 30 wounded. Reports say she was wounded in both thighs and wrist.
The "big bad Doctor "Hasan(not Smith as some wish) who allegedly master minded this Fort Hood,Texas shootout was taken off a ventilator after being listed as critical and probably will live to be given the opportunity to defend his actions......witnesses reported that he yelled " ALLAH AKBAR" Arabic for" God is Great" which has been commonly used by suicide bombers in the past..........

Well.....All I can say is "Thank God " Sgt.Munley 's squad car needed an oil change.............

1 comment:

  1. We "the people" have so many unexpected heroes around us. Ordinary people doing ordinary things one minute, become extrordinary in the next minute...With my hand on my heart...I say God bless the "tiny but tenacious" Sgt. Munley...
