Have you had the opportunity to hear Harry C. Alford ?.......
He is the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.He is from California and after
Military Service as an Commisioned Officer in the Army and an executive and sales person for
Proctor & Gamble,Johnson & Johnson and Sara Lee He embarked on a career that has helped
create International Business Opportunites for black persons in Africa,the Caribbean,and South Africa
He was testifying before Congress relative to an enviroment bill which in his opinion was ill advised since it would eliminate more jobs than it created and further not make the air cleaner
or decrease our dependence on the Mideast.............
Barbara Boxer,Congresswoman a proponent of the bill asked him during questioning if he had considered the opinion
of the NAACP AND ITS STAND ON THE BILL.....................................
Well......Then the " fireworks " started.......To paraphase the discussion.....He called her racist and in later interview said she was the kind of person that liked blacks as long as they stayed in
their place.........
He referred to her treatment of Condolezza Rice and Supreme Court Justice Thomas in their
confirmation hearings.....................He in effect stated if you are a professional black beware
the " Boxer "............Check it further on FOX or O'Reilly...........
Mr. Alford seems to be involved in the issues of the day and is helping Blacks change their economic status....................without using the race card,but rather the " old fashion way"
namely.........education and hard work.........
LET'S LOOK TO THE POSITIVE NOT THE NEGATIVE IN CAMBRIDGE.......that appears to support victimhood........
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